
Readers with long memories will recall that I'm no great fan of adjournments, and might even remember a particularly dull occasion on which I was brought back to play three moves and agree a draw.

Tonight's game is also adjourned; but for once I almost approve. The game has been splendidly messy - Opponent misplayed a dangerous attack (or just possibly I defended marvellously; I haven't figured out which) to leave me completely won, only for me to make some errors of my own as we approached the time control - and has now reached an intriguing balance. The computers still like me (I've plenty of pawns for an exchange) but, in the cursory analysis that I've so far made, keep failing to find a way to win the endgame. It looks as though, if I can find the time and motivation, there should be plenty of worthwhile work to do in this adjournment. Probably I shouldn't say too much more just yet; the game is, after all, still in progress.

So, on adjourning, once more... I've some sympathy with the idea that the two of us shouldn't now be obliged to spoil the game, by playing even worse in a rapidplay finish than we have done so far. But at least that would be one-one-one, Blogger versus Opponent - and on the whole, I still think that's a lesser evil than having us get our computers and friends show us what we're supposed to do. Still, it is an interesting position. Hence, I almost approve of this adjournment.

Ironically, this interesting adjournment is against the same Opponent as was the dull one mentioned above.

Meanwhile in the match, Barnet are leading Watford I by 2.5-0.5, with this game and one other still to complete. If nothing else, I guess that means that Opponent is unlikely to offer me a draw...


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