Barnet chess congress in February 2008

Hi all

The Barnet chess congress approaches in February 2008!

February 23rd and February 24th, Barnet Chess Congress

There is a nice canteen area for socialising between rounds. The venue is spacious at the Queen Elizabeth Boy's School in Barnet:

The details as noted on the ECF calendar website are:

23-24 Feb - 24th Barnet Congress, Queen Elizabeth's Boys' School, Queens Rd, Barnet, Herts.
Malcolm Harding, 30 Grasmere Close, Brownsover, Rugby, Warks CV21 1LW (Tel: 01788 561474, Email: )

But you can get the full entry form from the following PDF document:

Click for PDF of entry form

You can telephone your entry to Malcolm Harding on 01788 561474 or by Email to

You can get some flavour of the tournament from the 2003 report. But please note entry fees have altered since that page was written, the location remains at the spacious QE School venue. This year 2008 has record prize fees for the Premier section.

Hope to see you all there!

Best wishes


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