Barnet chess club players do well at Southend Open Congress at Easter

I am happy to report that Alex Ethelontis and myself did well at the Southend Open Easter congress.

I came 2nd with 5.5/7 and may be offered a qualifying place for the British Chess Championship to be held in Liverpool. Alex came 4th equal with 5/7. Paul Georghiou, also did well by most standards, but he felt he underperformed with a 185+ performance. He is rated ECF 199 though, so probably had much higher expectations than both myself and Alex, who are rated at ECF 185 and 186 respectively.

Here are some youtube videos of three of my key wins from the tournament:

Round 7 win vs FM Dave Ledger

Round 4 win vs Peter Vas

Round 2 win vs Salimbeni

All in all a great tournament to play in!


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